
I don't doubt that you are a specialist. That is why I have worked over my years as a language service provider to build my subject-specific knowledge, so that I can help your expertise shine through. I mainly specialise in the following areas:

Editorial, marketing, literary and creative

News, publicity and marketing documents

e.g. Company news, presentations, websites and advertising literature.

Sharp and witty? Hard hitting and serious? Informative and reassuring? However you need it to sound, and whoever it's for, I'll ensure your English text really hits the target.

Literary and creative texts

Including long-term collaboration with a French publisher, comic strips, work for an award-winning author and even a musical puppet show! 

A complex and time-consuming process, literary and creative translation requires extraordinary sensitivity to style and nuance, and a real flair for words. As a keen writer myself, and with my extensive experience in literary translation, I can't wait to bury my head in your book!

Travel, leisure and tourism

Including work for a UNESCO World Heritage Site, a Grand Site De France, well-known film festivals, an airport and famous museums and galleries... plus a 3-month project helping tourism providers in Britanny improve provision for English speakers.

Having worked in tourism myself, I know that there is a lot to think about when catering for English tourists and travellers. I will provide you with a carefully adapted translation, to make sure your website, publicity, signs, guides and information are both accessible and appealing for English-speakers. Don't hesitate to ask me for advice on your visitors' culture, too!

Academic research & social sciences

Including work for high-level academics and a research journal publisher.

Academic research uses a language of its own, and the expectations of journals and research publishers differ between countries. Getting your research translated into English will give you an international readership: the perfect way to enhance your profile.

Environment, marine issues, fisheries and agriculture

Including NGO campaigns, research on fisheries, and work for the European Rural Poultry Association.

This is one of my true passions! My previous work and training, both as a translator and in other roles, gives me great insight and understanding into this highly technical area, ensuring an accurate, field-appropriate service.

Technical translation:

On dermo-cosmetics, hair care, hygiene and beauty

Frequent work on marketing, market research and communications, for two international cosmetics and hygiene companies.

In these highly competitive international markets, a high-quality translation will give you the flawless image you need to stay ahead. Not only that, but English will allow you to communicate easily when conducting everyday business with your partners around the world.

On energies, transport, infrastructure and telecoms

Including work for French energy providers, a Belgian rail company and a French telecoms company, and research on water provision.

International and highly technical by nature, these businesses need to ensure they are providing their users and clients with clear, precise information in their own language. My translation services can make your business accessible and attractive to English speakers worldwide.


Because every client and every project is different, rates will depend on the volume, format and complexity of the text, the urgency of the work, and the exact service required.

For translation, after discussing the project, we will set a per-word rate before the project starts.

For other services, we will set either a total, per-word, or hourly price, according to the project requirements.


For BLOOM, Julia has translated many different kinds of documents such as a 3 minute video cartoon "Toto in the Deep", all of BLOOM’s press releases, and several reports and ...

BLOOM Association

I feel uplifted by your work. I had no idea how productive you would be... I am very pleased that you’ve proven so reliable in meeting your deadlines – I am very grateful. I ...

Jonathan W.

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